Asra College

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Online admission form 2022-23
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Teaching Methodology

The entire teaching approach at ASRA GROUP OF INSTITUTIONS will be learning-centric enhancing knowledge, skills, and understanding through practical experience. Students will participate in enrichment experiences and partnerships with individual faculty in discovery, service and professional learning.

Industry relevant Curriculum

ASRA has been conducting development programs in the technologies relevant to the industry for their adoption and proliferation in to the academia. For this purpose linkages have been established with industry partners such as CISCO, nVidia, Computer Associates and Sun Microsystems to develop and deploy industry-relevant curriculum on various technologies.

Applied & Project Based Learning

Applied learning is a hallmark of all teaching at ASRA . We believe that the best way to learn is by “doing” and that’s why we emphasize a hands-on approach. We lay stress on project based learning. Thus, the need for independent thinking and creativity is encouraged among students resulting in interesting and novel projects. Further, a significant increase in the open category credits enables students to have a broad base and pursue interests and adopt a multi-disciplinary approach.

Specialisation Options

In each branch of ASRA GROUP further specialization is offered in the subsequent years. To help a student in this task, various tracks have been identified through our curriculum geared toward a variety of specializations. Our goal is to prepare students for a satisfying career in Engineering. Following a particular curricular track will equip a student with the skills needed for progressing further in the chosen career.