Asra College

Call: 9592200327, 9592800327;


Online admission form 2022-23
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1.   Bus Fees is to be paid annually at the time of admission.
2.   Bus No. and Seat No. in the Bus once allotted shall not be changed at a later stage.
3.   Any student found guilty of damaging Bus property (seats) etc. will be dealt severally.
4.   During college hours students are not permitted to sit inside the buses.
5.   Bus dues once paid will not be refunded/ adjusted in any case.
6.   There shall be only one Bus stop in one Village.
7.   During checking, if any student is caught Red handed without a valid pass shall be bound to pay full semester       fee.
8.   Carrying bus pass & college I-Card is mandatory, while travelling in college bus.
9.   A fine of Rs. 500/- shall be charged for violation of any rules.

Contact Detail

Name Designation Mobile Number
Er. H.S. Saini DGM Head Transport 9781991327
Mr. Gurwinder Singh Transport Incharge 9781988327
Mr. Deepinder Singh Transport Co-Incharge 8872100327
Mr. Ranjeet Singh Transport Co-Incharge 8781512327

Bus Fares

Click here to See the Bus Fares from various Routes.